Walgreens Incentives:
Register Rewards or RR: These are a coupon/catalina that will print at the register to use towards a different transaction.
In Store Coupons: These can be found on Walgreens Website or in the Ad located at the front of the store. (You can stack an in store coupon with a manufactures coupon).
Walgreens Coupon Booklet or IVC: These are issued monthly and are located in the front of the store – near the door – next to the weekly store advertisements. (You can stack an in store coupon with a manufactures coupon).
Walgreens Coupon Policy:
First things first print the policy and add it to your Coupon Binder – so you will always have it available in the store if you need it.
Here are some of the most valuable points from the policy:
General information:
-Competitor coupons are not accepted at Walgreens.
-The number of manufacturer coupons, including Register Rewards manufacturer coupons, may not exceed the number of items in the transaction. The total value of the coupons may not exceed the value of the transaction. Sales tax must be paid, if required by state law.
Sale Items
-In the event that any item’s selling price is less than the value of the coupon, Walgreens will only accept the coupon in exchange for the selling price of the item. Coupon redemption can never exceed the selling price of an item and no cash back is ever provided in exchange for any coupons.
Multiple Coupons
-When purchasing a single item, Walgreens accepts one manufacturer coupon and applicable Walgreens coupon(s) for the purchase of a single item, unless prohibited by either coupon offer.
-The coupon amount must be reduced if it exceeds the value of the item after other discounts or coupons are applied. (For example, a $5.00 coupon for a $4.99 item will result in a $4.99 coupon value).
-When purchasing multiple items, Walgreens accepts multiple identical coupons for multiple qualifying items as long as there is sufficient stock to satisfy other customers, unless a limit is specified. Management reserves the right to limit the quantity of items purchased.
Buy One, Get One Free Coupons
-When items are featured in a Buy One, Get One Free promotion, up to two coupons can be used against the items being purchased, as long as the net price does not go below zero for the items being purchased.
Register Rewards coupons:
-Register Rewards will only print for in-stock merchandise during the promotional period.
-There is a limit of one Register Rewards (RR) printed per offer per customer per transaction.
-Customers redeeming a Register Rewards against the same offer may not receive another RR.
-Customers redeeming a Register Rewards against the same offer may not receive another RR.
-The RR coupon value cannot exceed the total purchase amount. No cash back and no cash value for RR coupon.
-The number of manufacturer coupons, including RR manufacturer coupons, must not exceed the number of items in the transaction.
Here’s how to put this information into action:
You have two tubes of Crest Toothpaste listed at $1.50 each and you’ll receive a $1 RR (Register Reward).
Buy 2 Crest Toothpaste $1.50 Each
-use 3/6 PG Save $1/1 (use 2 coupons from the P&G Sunday coupon insert on March 6th)
Out of Pocket: You get 2 tubes of toothpaste for $1.00
Receive: $1 in Register Rewards when you buy 2
(Basically you receive FREE after the Register Reward)
What can you do with this Register Reward? As mentioned in the policy you can not turn around and do the same deal. The reason is because you can not use a Register Reward on a product in the same family (from the same manufacturer) that is offering a Register Reward. For example, if you turned around and did this same deal, it would cancel the $1 Register Reward and you would not receive one back. The same is true for any Register Reward and Proctor and Gamble deal. *As you will notice on your Register Reward it will state who provided the reward so you can easily determine what the Register Reward can and can not be used on in your next transaction.
Here are an additional example of how to complete your Register Reward transactions:
Will not work: Buy 1 Reach Toothbrush, $1.50
-use 3/6 SS Save $1/1 (Smart Source Sunday coupon insert on March 6th)
-use $1 RR (Register Reward received from a different transaction)
———————————–cash register will beep————————————————–
*a Register Reward (RR) counts as a coupon, so you have to have equal or greater amount of items in order to use coupons and Register Reward (RR)
Will work: Buy 1 Reach Toothbrush, $1.50
-use 3/6 SS Save $1/1 (Smart Source Sunday coupon insert on March 6th)
-use $1 RR (Register Reward received from a different transaction)
Grab a filler item that is $.50 or more
Final Price, FREE
Here is an example of how to use a Walgreens coupon in your transaction:
Buy 1 GUM Dental Floss $1.50 w/in store coupon
-use 3/6 SS Save $1/1 (Smart Source Sunday coupon insert on March 6th)
-use in store coupon
-use $1 RR (Register Reward received from a different transaction)
Grab 2 items that are $.50 or more
Final Price, FREE
Now here are a few of my own personal tips:
-Check out at the Beauty Counter! If you are purchasing items in their area they will receive a small commission so it’s nice to pay that forward. Many times it is less crowded and they are more tolerant of couponers.
-If your transaction does not work (for instance the Register Reward doesn’t print) ask for a manager. Many times they will over-ride the transaction and provide you with the Register Reward you should have received.
-Get to know the people who work in the store. I have found that most Walgreens employees are extremely easy to get to know and they enjoy getting to know their customers so strike up a conversation!
-Ask when their trucks come in.. If the items are out of Stock on Sunday most Walgreens have another truck that comes in on Tuesdays (however this may not be accurate for all stores) so ask!
-Get a rain check. It’s up to the managers discression what they will provide a rain check on however many times they will give you a rain check on an item you are looking for when it’s out of stock.
As Always – my motto is “Just Ask,” the only thing they can say is no…
Thanks STL Mommy!
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